Food as Medicine: Natural product companies must develop new market and institutional policy strategies to blunt the growing trend to medicalize life and control the food supply chain. >>PDF

Regulating the Natural Products Industry:
Natural product companies must expand their business strategies and organizational capacity in anticipation of changing regulations. >>PDF

magazine reprints

Healthcare Providers: Victims or Architects
Part one of a three-part series describing the changing landscape of health and healthcare policy in the US and a pathway for practitioners to ensure their role as experts. >>PDF

  Public Policy Impact:Part two of a three-part series that unveils the secrets to impacting an effective healthcare policy in the U.S. >>PDF

Healthcare in Crisis:Part three of a three-part series that clarifies the inner workings of the federal healthcare policy process and seven steps that health practitioners can take to have an impact. >>PDF

Prevention Vs. Wellness:The important distinction between prevention and the concept of wellness. Being clear about the difference gives health-oriented companies a competitive edge. >>PDF
A Clear Vision: The First Step in Implementing a Great Idea: The problem with many failed ideas, businesses, or campaigns is the failure to imagine things well in the beginning. >>PDF 

Vision and the Smell of Brownies: How you move towards a vision, especially if it’s a path you’ve never before taken. >>PDF

Pharmaceutical Companies Move into the Natural Products Industry: Key action steps that natural product companies must take to protect against the big-money interests of pharmaceutical companies. >>PDF

Shared Destiny of Integrative Medicine and the Natural Products Industry >>PDF
"David is uniquely valuable in the corporate world. His holistic thinking, interdisciplinary expertise, and nimble mind bring clarity, vision, and action together in eloquently simple solutions."

Richard Brudvik-Lindner
Executive Vice President
Chief of Staff to the US President,
Edelman Inc.